Monday, January 17, 2011

A Day of Raw #17 of 365

Today I didn't feel much like preparing anything so I had my favorite tomato soup with some cheesy Kale Chips (leftovers). Earlier in the day I snacked on some crackers with RAW almond butter and banana slices on top. I have wanted to make some veggie wraps with nori sheets. I know just what I want on the inside. I will have carrots, beets, sprouts, and “mock” tuna (sunflower seed pate’). I will wrap them in a nori sheet and serve them with a nice sauce.

Another dish that I have thought about lately is RAW pizza and lasagna. I know that I will get around to making these dishes soon but right now I really don’t want to eat anything. Maybe my body is completely happy and wants nothing more than to slurp on smoothies and cool glasses of filtered water.
I have been finding myself with extra time on my hands. I used to wonder where the time went and now I look for more things to do. There are things that I need to concentrate on that take time and attention but I am not sure that I want to tackle those items yet (lol). So what kind of things do I involve myself in so that I don’t become bored?

I have all kinds of projects some include:

Video editing: The small company my husband and I just recently (within the last couple of years) launched is involved with the development of videos for musc, television, and internet usage. This means that I write lyrics for the music in the video’s, develop the story line, act in (sometimes) and develop the marketing idea for release.
Product/service review: This involves my website and is pretty much just a personal passion of mine J I love makeup, hair, nails, and fashion so I have taken this love and created a blog page, website, and you tube video channel. On this channel I review products that I have used or have won through various promotional/marketing campaigns. I also do “Daily Looks” with my own makeup. Which just means that I video tape myself applying my makeup (lol). It’s fun and it gives me a place to keep up with the different looks I create with my makeup.

Music (vocal) arranging: This is another area of concentration that my husband and I have given considerable attention to in our small business. We have developed an extensive repertoire of our musical interests. Our profession catalog includes many different music genre’s such as, Funk, pop, rock, jazz, and instrumental.

Writing/Journaling: I have kept a journal for years and love the idea of it. There are so many different ideas and experiences to write about so I always find time to make a few entries in my journal. For the past few years I have been feeling the urge to write a book. I began jotting down ideas and before I knew it, I was already into my second chapter (lol). I am not in any rush but it’s exciting to know that one day I will have a book to publish.

These are just a few of the things I have that will always keep me busy. Can’t wait for the warm weather so I can get outside in my (urban)garden again J

Thanks for taking time to read my blog page. Please feel free to leave me your comments (add your blog URL’s if you would like). I really enjoy writing these blogs and hope you enjoy reading them.

"Raw Foodie Anjii B"