Wow! I had to get that out because I have had that type of day. First of all, I woke up to the sound of my cell phone's 8am alarm and had a tall glass of filtered water since I was up. Then I got busy editing some vids and updating some of my blog pages. After that I had an impulse to prep some raw snacks, cereals, and I did just that. Funny how time flies when you're having fun because by the time I looked up, it was almost 11pm. I had prepared about 5 different snacks, cereals, and treats. All of them were recorded so as soon as I edit (they are all long because I just let the camera record...hahaha) them I will upload them either on my Youtube channel (313HealthyMe) or on my FaceBook page (313HealthyMe)
So what did I prepare for my raw meal today? I had the best tasting "mock" pasta with RAW marinara sauce. It was the most amazing taste I have ever had in this raw dish. I have made it quite a few times in the past and never could get the sauce "just right." Now, I think I have it but then again, my taste changes often (lol).
With that I also had a salad with raw dressing. The salad had some marinated mushrooms, sweet red onions, dulce flakes, chopped leeks and green bell pepper. The greens were a combo of spinach, romaine, and red swiss chard.
The dressing is one of my quick oil and vinegar dressings. In it I used Hemp oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, braggs Raw Organic apple cider vinegar, Herbamare, Braggs Sea Kelp seasonings, and lemon pepper. I love that dressing because it's simple, light, and easy to make quickly (lol). I have another dressing that I sometimes make on the fly and that's my lemon Tahini salad dressing. I also use this with a minor variation (fresh parsley) when I want something to dip my Nori Rolls in.
To wash the meal down today I had a wonderful tropical smoothie. It had papaya, fresh pineapple, and banana. I also added a little bit of pineapple juice to stretch it. My family LOVES the smoothies I make and I can't keep them away...hahahahaha.
That was an amazing day for me not only because of how fast the time flew by but because I have never felt so satisfied when it comes to nutrition and food. It seemed that no matter how often I would eat on the Standard American Diet, I was never satiated. I always snacked in between meals and always had my mind on the next meal. Funny how you never notice these things while they are happening. You know what they say..."Hind sight is always 20/20."
Thanks for reading my blogs and I certainly hope you will come back tomorrow on my day of raw #12.