Saturday, January 15, 2011

A day of raw #15

For the first time since I began my 365 day raw food journey, I actually got hungry. This surprises me and I don't really know what to make of it because yesterday I had a very filling meal at the end of my day. Today I started out without my usual tall glass of filtered water. I didn't even have my green smoothie. I guess I kinda set myself up for the hunger then. By the end of the day, I began to feel the hunger. My husband and I had to drive to our daughters college to drop a package off to her so I thought I could wait until we returned before feeling anything. I was fine on the way and it wasn't until we were returning that I began to think about food. Thankfully it was RAW food thoughts but nonetheless, I wanted to eat some. I thought about my Raw tomato soup with bits of chunky veggies and dulce flakes sprinkled on top.

RAW maple nugget treats
I thought about my maple nugget treats and how moist they are on the inside with a slightly crispy/flaky outer covering. I remembered how delicious my RAW salad dressings are and how I wished I had made the RAW HONEY MUSTARD dressing to put on my salad. I couldn't stop thinking about how good the raw meals were gonna taste once I got home. I didn't want any interruptions. I didn't even want to video tape my meal. I just wanted to think about how good it tastes and how good it is for me. I wanted to think about how full I was gonna get without the heartburn or bloated stomach afterward.

RAW carrot bread

Then I remembered the carrot bread! I had just finished making the RAW carrot bread from the Hi-Rawkus website. OMG, I was gonna have the BEST RAW SANDWICH WITH GREEN CHEESY SPREAD there was.

raw carrot bread slices

 I grabbed a couple slices of tomato, shaved some green bell pepper, re hydrated some of my marinated mushrooms, and grabed a couple slices of romaine lettuce from the fridge. I also added two thinly sliced pieces of sandwich cut pickle.Then I thought...."Why stop there?" I quickly pulled out the ingredients for my raw tomato soup and threw them into the vita mix. "BAM!" quick, tasty, and good for you...I had soup and sandwich for my final meal of the day (actually, my ONLY meal of the day).

Raw bread  w/veggies sammy

tomato, romaine lettuce, pickle, red onion, green cheesy spread

stack 'em up and let's EAT!

Then I said to myself..."A nice fruity smoothie would really set this meal off!" So I grabbed some freshly cut pineapple out of the fridge along with the rest of my baby Thai coconut water and approx. 1cup of orange juice (from concentrate....I know, I know).

Banana Berry Smoothie w/baby Thai coconut water

frozen blue berries, banana, pineapple
After I finished blending the smoothie and plating everything, I looked at my kitchen table and thought, ..."There is NO WAY I can eat this without taking at least one picture." So here they are folks!

Day 15 of 365 RAW meal